Thursday, April 23, 2009

Shelly's New blog

I did this lil blog for Shelly from her last show at 3rd and Lindsley. The show was always. The place was packed. I think shes looking at moving to another venue....peeps can't all fit in at 3rd and L!!

Shelly Fairchild @ 3rd and Lindsley on April 16th

Monday, April 13, 2009

Guess what?

i'm sitting in the studio listening to Shelly record her album.

Life is good.

The End.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Poster I did for Shelly & The People

Yay!!! COME TO THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cool People Make Me Happy

I got to dogsit for one of the coolest dogs ever. MzZippy. I'm her aunt I'm gonna totally post pictures. Awww...loooooook at her and her ball :)

MzZippy and Shelly were chillin' at my house...Shelly and i were workin' away. Guess what Zippers was doing? Yep...tore her brand new toy to PIECES. it was sad. Look....

Lil Emily and I decided to head out for some drinks. We ended up at TGIFridays. I've NEVER been there before. Crazy. We were excited to find BLUE DRINKS!! haha

I thought I needed my picture taken with my Mojito. It wasn't as good as the blue drink...but, thats ok. It was only $4. hahaha was a lil strong....

All in all..its been a great week. I love my friends. They are the coolest people I know...ha!

Happy Easter Everyone!!