Lets see...since Natalie reads my blogs i'll write whats going on in my life! haha
well first off...my daddy is coming to visit on Sunday...and will be here for 2 weeks! i'm so excited. I need a break myself...so that will be fun.
As for work...things are going good i suppose on all that. I'm still freelance...which is HARD. i'm not even going to lie. I hate not knowing where money is going to come from. *sigh* hopefully that all ends really soon. I do love freelancing...its just hard on the money side of things. Damn the bills :) haha
I got a chance to design for Little Big Town...which was cool. Here is a picture of a shirt I did for them. Karen posted this on their twitter...so I just took it. Saves me having to take another pic of it. haha .

I have another shirt that went to print last Thursday. Hopefully that one turns out great too. Its a little more artsy and girly. Its pretty impossible to explain so I'm not even gonna try. haha
CMA fest was last week...and I'm THRILLED that beast is over. Seriously. I really don't like it much. The ride for a Cure thing with Little Big Town was cool though. Shelly got to be a part of that since Karen asked her to be....so I gotta hang out with them all day....and well, drink the good alcohol on the bus..HAHAHA jokes jokes...its not all about the booze. I was working....but totally not at the same time. I love my job :)
Shellys show at Mercy Lounge went great. Let me just tell you though....i was excited to see it overwith. We worked our ASSES off for that show. haha
hmmmm....what else in my life? OOOOH everyone who reads this (which I think that means just natalie)...can you PLEASE twitter to Jimmy Fallon that you would like to see Shelly Fairchild as a musical guest on his show? seriously. that would be awesome. Here is the poster I did with instructions. The thing with that is...He said on his show last thursday that he wanted suggestions for musical guests for this show....they could be super famous or just your favorite neighborhood band. SO....of course...we're jumpin on that....haha
Last night i saw Em West play at the Rutledge (well for about 15 minutes...of course we were late to the show) and she was fantastic! i love her. A lot. She did Mississippis Cryin and its still so cool to me for her to do that song when I'm standing next to Shelly and Stephony. They wrote that all on their own...and that song just amazes me. Still. Even after hearing it 15 million times. I will say though...there is NOTHING like Shelly singing it...
We then proceeded to go see Phillip Lassiter at the Basement. He was great....and umm...different. :) Heres the kicker....after that...we went to Patterson House. I didn't drink at all until this point. Umm...yeah...i had only 3 (which is good) but i was REALLLLY not planning on drinking (or staying out till 3 a.m.) since i have so much work to do. OOOOH well...haha
P.S. I got a haircut. It kicks ass. Its short...and punk like....really blonde...and brace yourselves....i'm getting purple put in it today. hahahaha I'm excited! don't worry its just a LIL bit of purple. just for fun. Wonder if my dad will freak out? nahhhh...
post pics of the purple hair, girl!!!